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Sunrise Avenue - februárban indul a The Big Band Theory turné

Sajnos nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy idén hazánk kimarad ebből az útitervből, de Bécsig azért eljönnek a fiúk, így csak a „szomszédba” kell kiugrania március 16-án annak, aki részese akar lenni a különleges shownak a Gasometer...

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Témaindítás: 2013.02.10.
Utolsó hozzászólás: 2013.02.10.
Hozzászólások: [1.]

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english 2013.02.10. 21:07 • [1]
Sunrise Avenue – The Big Band Theory tour starts in February

When I say Sunrise Avenue most of the people think of a big wide road in the USA. And what if I'm saying Hollywood Hills instead of that? I'd obviously get the answers „oh yep, the hills with the big Hollywood letters on the top of them!”. And if I bind Sunrise Avenue with Hollywood Hills? In this case a lot more people would reply that it's the hit from the radio. But some of us – including me – from any part of these words would associate right then on the Finnish rockband who had a successful and incredible professional concert in Budapest, Hungary in Dürer Club during their latest tour called Out Of Style. (For the summary click here– the English translation is in the comment field:
http://www.zene.hu/20120311_budapesten_unnepelt_finn_zenekar_kepes_beszamolo_a_sunrise_avenue_koncertrol )

To the ones who still don't know which and what kind of band I'm talking about, the best thing I could suggest is that the singer – frontman Samu Haber's favorite bands are Bon Jovi and Nickelback ; they also supported the previous one in Austria in 2008.


The band members are clearly professionals on two fields: music and high-level entertainment. The last one is simple general, a pure fact, of course the music is also always there but that's performed sometimes in different styles. When the guys are in the „rockish” mood they take their electric instruments and are making pretty hard music on stage but when they think that enough of it they just sit down and are playing a 2-hour acoustic show.


Lately these gentlemen had a brand new sparkling idea: off with the torned jeans and t-shirts, now it's time of the shirts with ties (!), they hired some other musicians with brasses, and the songs are transformed into kinda jazz but I rather gotta say swing style. And all this conception has a name: The Big Band Theory tour. The kick-off will be in February and they gonna be performing this program throughout in Europe during this spring.


Unfortunately, it seems that our little country is not on their tourmap this time, but the nearest venue is Vienna. It's not a long travel on 16th March for those who'd like to see these guys on stage with this special performance in the Gasometer Hall. As for me, I'm really looking forward to it and I'm pretty curious how their old songs would sound now. I warmly recommend it to all the people who like this kind of music. They should go and listen to this awesome band in live. They won't be disappointed, I'm sure about that. Faboulos live music with great athmosphere. What else is essential for a great concert?


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